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25 sponsored developers and organizations loaded.
I create interesting technical experiments that help encourage people of all backgrounds unleash their inner creator.
I'm Simon and I develop things for the web, like a markdown-to-pdf converter and tooling plugins. I enjoy giving back to to the open-source projects I use and find helpful.
A next-generation, full-stack acceptance testing and test integration framework based on the Screenplay Pattern 🎭
Creative Scala's goal is to make Scala fun. We do this by creating training material that introduces Scala through non-traditional means, and libraries that unleash digital creativity.
Huff Language is a low-level assembly language for the EVM. We are looking for sponsorships to maintain the project and build a community of EVM wizards!
Open Sauced provides guidance for contributors and maintainers alike. Our approach is taking git commits and turning those into insights to prevent tech debt and grow the community.
We are the company behind the nymea IoT stack. Our mission is to make things working together.
11th grader, coding for more than 7 years with experience in Web Development, Android/iOS & Machine Learning. National champion in the NOIT & NTIT Olympiads for Bulgaria. Creator of RSG Chess, Gravity Flight, AnyGoal, АзБуки.ML & a lot more.
Hey, it's Nishanth (Nish)! I love building and contributing to open source hacks that help people get around
I'm Leif, a software developer passionate about creating efficient solutions. I've developed AppState, a state management system, and also work on Fork, Cache, and Plugin, aimed at task management and efficiency.
I live in an off-grid, eco-friendly environment, use 2nd-hand hardware. Together with others we push the edge of sustainable, free living to integrate social innovation, technology and respect for nature. Open & free is what we give, live and use.
I am a physicist currently working as a professor in a Brazilian federal education center called Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca. In my free time I develop EasyEffects and other free software for the Linux platform.
Open Law Library is a nonprofit tech startup and open access legal publisher dedicated to making the law accessible to all. We adapt and transform tools and processes developed for programmers to publish software for use by lawyers to publish laws.
@dyne is a non-profit software house and think &do tank for ethical hackers established in 1999 as a foundation committed to community empowerment through the conscious development of free and open-source technologies.
I have been an active member of the open-source community for over a decade, with significant contributions to a wide variety of projects related to security, privacy, self-hosting, static site generation, Python, Django, Fish shell, and more.
Navigation Software and Hardware developer. Currently working at Thork Racing developing the CARPE Iter products and Drive Mode Dashboard app. I usually develop in C / C++ for Controller firmware and JAVA for Android apps.
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