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ROS2 node for open-vocabulary object detection using NanoOWL.

NanoOWL optimizes OWL-ViT to run real-time on NVIDIA Jetson Orin with TensorRT. This project provides a ROS 2 package for object detection using NanoOWL.




  1. Set up your Isaac ROS development environment following instructions here.
  2. Clone required projects under ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src:
cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone --branch humble
  1. Launch the docker container using the script:
cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/isaac_ros_common
  1. Install dependencies:
    • Pytorch: The Isaac ROS development environment that we set up in step 1 comes with PyTorch preinstalled. Check your PyTorch version using the interactive Python interpreter by running python from terminal, and these commands:
      import torch
    • NVIDIA TensorRT: If you’re developing on an NVIDIA Jetson, TensorRT is pre installed as part of JetPack. Verify the installation by running python from terminal, and then this command in the interactive Python interpreter: import tensorrt. If it says ‘ModuleNotFound’, try the following command and check again following the steps above:
      sudo apt-get install python3-libnvinfer-dev
      If this fails, run the following command and try again:
      sudo apt-get install apt-utils
      In case the 'ModuleNotFound' error still shows up - The python bindings to tensorrt are available in dist-packages, which may not be visible to your environment. We add dist-packages to PYTHONPATH to make this work:
      export PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/python3.8/dist-packages:$PYTHONPATH
      If tensorrt is still not installed, try the following command:
      pip install pycuda
    • Torchvision: Identify which version of torchvision is compatible with your PyTorch version from here. Clone and install that specific version from source in your workspace's src folder: git clone –-branch <version> For example:
      cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src
      git clone --branch v0.13.0
      cd vision
      pip install .
      Verify that torchvision has been installed correctly using the interactive Python interpreter by running python from terminal, and these commands:
      cd ../
      import torchvision
      If it says ‘ModuleNotFound’, try each of the following and check again following the steps above:
      sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-dev
      pip install ninja
      sudo apt-get install ninja-build
    • Transformers library:
      pip install transformers
    • Matplotlib:
      pip install matplotlib
    • torch2trt: Enter the torch2trt repository cloned in step 2 and install the package:
      cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/torch2trt
      pip install .
    • NanoOWL: Enter the NanoOWL repository cloned in step 2 and install the package:
      cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/nanoowl
      pip install .
    • cam2image: We want to use the image_tools package from the demos repository that we cloned to take input from an attached usb camera. Build and source this package from your workspace:
      cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}
      colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select image_tools
      source install/setup.bash
      Verify that the cam2image node works by running the following command in a terminal and viewing topic /image in RViz/Foxglove from another terminal:
      ros2 run image_tools cam2image
  2. Build ros2_nanoowl:
colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select ros2_nanoowl
source install/setup.bash
  1. Build the TensorRT engine for the OWL-ViT vision encoder - this step may take a few minutes:
cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/nanoowl
mkdir -p data
python3 -m nanoowl.build_image_encoder_engine data/owl_image_encoder_patch32.engine

Copy this data folder with the generated engine file to the ROS2-NanoOWL folder:

cp -r data/ ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/ROS2-NanoOWL
  1. Run the image publisher node to publish input images for inference. We can use the sample image in ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/nanoowl/assets/:
ros2 run image_publisher image_publisher_node src/nanoowl/assets/owl_glove_small.jpg --ros-args --remap /image_raw:=/input_image
  1. You can also play a rosbag for inference. Make sure to remap the image topic to input_image. For example:
ros2 bag play <path-to-rosbag> --remap /front/stereo_camera/left/rgb:=/input_image
  1. From another terminal, publish your input query as a list of objects on the input_query topic using the command below. This query can be changed anytime while the ros2_nanoowl node is running to detect different objects. Another way to publish your query is through the publish panel in Foxglove (instructions given below in this repository).
ros2 topic pub /input_query std_msgs/String 'data: a person, a box, a forklift'
  1. Run the launch file to start detecting objects. Find more information on usage and arguments below:
ros2 launch ros2_nanoowl thresholds:=0.1 image_encoder_engine:='src/ROS2-NanoOWL/data/owl_image_encoder_patch32.engine'
  1. The ros2_nanoowl node prints the current query to terminal, so you can check that your most recent query is being used: image info

If an older query is being published, please update it:

  • If using Foxglove: Check that the query on the panel is correct and click the Publish button again. Remember to click the Publish button everytime you update your query!
  • If using command line: Rerun the ros2 topic pub command (given in step 9) with the updated query.
  1. Visualize output on topic /output_image using RVIZ or Foxglove. Output bounding boxes are published on topic /output_detections.
  2. To perform inference on a live camera stream, run the following launch file. Publish a query as given in step 9:
ros2 launch ros2_nanoowl thresholds:=0.1 image_encoder_engine:='src/ROS2-NanoOWL/data/owl_image_encoder_patch32.engine'


ros2 launch ros2_nanoowl thresholds:=<threshold-value> image_encoder_engine:=<path-to-encoder-engine>

ROS Parameters

ROS Parameter Type Default Description
thresholds float 0.1 Threshold for filtering detections
image_encoder_engine string "src/ROS2-NanoOWL/data/owl_image_encoder_patch32.engine" Path to the TensorRT engine for the OWL-ViT vision encoder

Topics Subscribed

ROS Topic Interface Description
input_image sensor_msgs/Image The image on which detection is to be performed
input_query std_msgs/String List of objects to be detected in the image

Topics Published

ROS Topic Interface Description
output_image sensor_msgs/Image The output image with bounding boxes and labels around detected objects
output_detections vision_msgs/Detection2DArray Output detections including bounding box coordinates and label information for each detected object in the image

Using Foxglove for visualization and publishing queries

  1. Download and install Foxglove on your Jetson.
  2. Open Foxglove and click on Open connection. image info
  3. Click on the Foxglove WebSocket option - it tells you to connect to your system using the Foxglove Websocket protocol. This option requires running an extra ROS node called the foxglove_bridge. image info
  4. Follow instructions on installing and launching the Foxglove bridge.
  5. Once you’ve successfully launched foxglove_bridge in a terminal, Foxglove should connect to your system and show the default layout. image info
  6. Use the Import from file option to import the NanoOWL_Layout.json file included in this repository. image info
  7. From the panel at the bottom, you can publish and update queries to the ros2_nano_owl node. Type in the objects you want to detect and click on the red Publish button to start inference! image info


  1. NanoOWL - A project that optimizes OWL-ViT for real-time inference with NVIDIA TensorRT.
  2. Torch2trt - An easy to use PyTorch to TensorRT converter.


ROS 2 node for open-vocabulary object detection using NanoOWL.







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